Brugada Syndrome
The association

The practice of competitive sports is usually forbidden to patients affected by the Brugada syndrome (risk of hyperthermia).

Recommendations for the practice of leisure-time physical activities for patients affected by the Brugada syndrome

(This document was written by the Center of reference for hereditary cardiac diseases in Paris)

These recommendations are given for information purposes only and should be adapted on a case-by-case basis (according to symptoms and results of cardiologic assessment), in agreement with the patient’s cardiologist.

Generally speaking the following principles can be put forward:

  • Avoid a physical activity involving repetitive phases of acceleration/ deceleration (ex: tennis, basketball, soccer). Sports involving progressive or stable activity should be favored.
  • Avoid extreme environmental conditions: extreme cold, extreme heat, high humidity and high altitude.
  • Avoid programs aiming at reaching and pushing back one’s limits. On the contrary, one should remain below the physical limit adapted to the pathology.
  • Avoid any physical activity that triggers symptoms of the disease.
  • Avoid amusement park activities that involve fright, strong emotions and sudden acceleration of cardiac frequency.
  • Avoid activities that induce a risk in case of faintness or loss of consciousness, such as mountain climbing, scuba diving…
  • Avoid any product aiming at enhancing physical performances (including nutritional supplements containing a cardiac stimulant such as “ma huang”).

Patients with defibrillators (ICD) are not free from the restrictions here mentioned. The advices given here apply to them as well. Moreover, certain activities are to be avoided because they may damage the equipment or trigger an inappropriate electrical shock.   


The following recommendations are grouped in three categories:

  • Contraindicated or unadvised physical activities: proscribe;
  • Activities to be individually evaluated: to evaluate;
  • Activities likely authorized: authorize.

High intensity sports:

     Basketball:  to evaluate

     Body Building: proscribe

     Ice hockey: proscribe

     Squash: proscribe

     Rock climbing: proscribe

     Running (sprint): to evaluate

     Skiing: to evaluate

     Soccer: to evaluate

     Rugby: to evaluate

     Tennis (single): to evaluate

     Sail board: proscribe

Medium intensity sports:

     Baseball: authorize

     Cycling: authorize

     Jogging: authorize

     Surf: proscribe

     Sailing: authorize

     Swimming: authorize

     Exercise cycling: authorize

     Weightlifting: proscribe

     High intensity hiking: authorize

     Tennis (double): authorize

     Low intensity hiking: authorize

Low intensity sports:

     Bowling: authorize

     Golf: authorize

     Horseriding: to evaluate

     Scuba diving: proscribe

     Ice-skating: authorize

     Snorkeling: authorize

     Fast pace walking: authorize

According to American recommendations (Maron et al, Circulation 2004 ; 109 : 2807-2816)

Creation date : 07/04/2012 22:58
Last update : 26/04/2012 09:31
Category : - Sports

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